2016 June 18th
Curated by Mio Nakai / The Film-Makers' Cooperative
The Film-Makers' Cooperative is pleased to present an evening of film and poetry by two women artists: Akiko Iimura and Yuko Otomo. The films of Akiko Iimura, featuring the music of Belgian composer Jacques Bekaert, were created in the 1970s and 1980s and have been shown only on rare occasions. The films are rich with superimpositions of people, flowers, photographs, landscapes, shimmering fabrics, conveying sensuousness and lyricism without veering into sentimentality. The screening will counterpoint the films with Yuko Otomo’s poetry, read by the author in both Japanese and English, with a conversation about the work between the two artists, moderated by curator Mio Nakai
AKIKO IIMURA is an essayist, journalist and editor. In 1966 she moved to New York with Takahiko, husband and filmmaker. After having traveled to Europe to show Japanese Experimental films for 6 months in 1969 she returned to New York where she worked for 14 years as editor-in-chief of OCS NEWS, a Japanese community paper. She has translated two books by Jonas Mekas, "Movie Journal" and "I Had Nowhere To Go," into Japanese.
YUKO OTOMO is a visual artist & a bilingual poet (poetry & haiku). She also writes art criticism, essays & does translation. Her work has been shown in various gallery spaces such as Tribes Gallery, Anthology Film Archives Courthouse Gallery, ABC No Rio, Brecht Forum, Gallery 128 & Vision Festival. She has read her poetic works in Poetry Project at St. Mark's, PS1, Queens Museum, Bowery Poetry Club, Tribes Gallery, CUNY Graduate Ctr., Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival, Jazz @ Home (Paris), Stone Temple (Germany), A-Bomb Memorial Reading (Japan) and more.
Takahiko Iimura, Film & Video Made in Tokyo & New York
2015 June 7th
Curated by Mio Nakai
Curated retrospective of Japanese video art and experimental film pioneer, Takahiko Iimura’s artistry from 1962 to 2012 including 10 works. Featured work with John Cage, Jonas Mekas and others, some previously on display at The Met and MoMA.
日本の実験映画の草分けの一人である飯村隆彦は、1960 年代始めに8ミリや 16 ミリの前衛映画を個人で制作し、自主上映活動を行う。 また上映によるパフォーマンスも早くから行い、映写機を操作/演奏するライブ・プロジェクションも独自に展開してきた。1964 年に 実験映画集団「フィルム・アンデパンダン」を結成し、日本の個人映画史上最初の実験映画祭を行う。1965 年、実験映画「LOVE」がニュー ヨークの実験映画のリーダー、ジョナス・メカスによって高く評価される。
1966 年にはハーバード大学国際セミナーに招待されて渡米、1973 年、ドイツアカデミーの招きでベルリンのキネマテークやポンピドゥ・ センターなどでも個展上映を行う。ニューヨークでは 1974 年に近代美術館、79 年にはホイットニー美術館で個展パフォーマンスを行っ て、国際的に評価される。
Program A (1962-1977)
1)「60 年代の実験映画」60’ s Experiments (1962-1964), 4 films, 49 min.
・くず Junks (1962),10min., B/W, Music by 小杉武久
・Ai (Love) (1962),10min., B/W, Music by オノ・ヨーコ
・視姦について On Eye Rape (1962), 10min., B/W&Color, Silent, 共同制作:中西夏之
・リリパット王国舞踏会 A Dance Party In The Kingdom of Lilliput (1964), 12min., B/W, 主演:風倉匠
2)「映画的黙想のために」For Filmic Meditation (1969-1971), 2 films, 42min.
・IN THE RIVER (1969-70), 12min., Color, Sound(飯村隆彦)
・SHUTTER (1971), 30min., B/W, Music by 佐藤敬次郎
3)「初期コンセプチュアル・ビデオ集」Early Conceptual Videos (1970-1977), 5 films, 23 min.
・椅子 A Chair (1970), 6min., B/W, Sound(飯村隆彦)
・まばたき Blinking (1970), 2min., B/W, Sound(飯村隆彦)
・タイム・トンネル Time Tunnel (1971), (Excerpt) 5min., B/W, Sound(飯村隆彦)
・男と女 Man and Woman (1971), (Excerpt) 2min., B/W, Sound(飯村隆彦)
・視覚的論理(と非論理)Visual Logic (and Illogic) (1977), (Excerpt) 8min., B/W, Sound(飯村隆彦)
Program B (1966-2012)
4)「目には目を、耳には耳を」Eye For Eye, Ear For Ear (1966-70/2009), 2 films, 25min.
・フィルム・ストリップス I Film Strips I (1966-1970), 12min., B/W, Music by 鈴木治行 (2009)
・フィルム・ストリップス II Film Strips II (1966-1970), 13min., B/W, Music by 鈴木治行 (2009)
5)「空の岩」(1985-2008), 2 films, 30min.
・Moments At The Rock (1985), 11min., Color, Music by 鈴木治行 (2008)
・A Rock In The Light (1985/2008), 19min., Color, Music by 鈴木治行 (2008)
6)「ON TIME IN FILM / DVD」(映画/ DVD 時間論)(1975-2007), 3 films, 33min.
・1 秒間 24 コマ 24 Frames Per Second (1975-78/2007), 10min.35sec., B/W, sound(飯村隆彦)
・TIMED 1, 2, 3 (From MODELS, Reel 1) (1972/2007), 10min.15sec., B/W, sound(飯村隆彦)
・1 コマの長さ One Frame Duration (1977/2007), 11min., B/W&Color, sound(飯村隆彦)
7) 最近のフィルム・パフォーマンス集 (1972-2012), 3 films, 33min.
・Performance/Myself (1972-1995), 14min., B/W&Color, Sound(飯村隆彦)
・Screen Play (1963-2012), 13min., Color, Music by 刀根康尚
・Circle And Square(2011), 6min., Color, Shot by Nobuyuki Asai, Sound(飯村隆彦)
AQUA WORKS 2015” Hakudou Kobayashi Video Art Exhibition
2015 January 25th
Curated by Mio Nakai / Video Art Center Tokyo
Presented a retrospective of seven works and a new video performance with live sound. Hakudou Kobayashi is a prominent figure in Japanese video art. Kobayashi exhibited at the Osaka Expo in 1970 and made the art movement, “Video Hiroba”.
Inspiration and Transformation, Madelon Hooykaas Exhibition
2014 June 1st
Curated by Mio Nakai / Video Art Center Tokyo
Created Hooykaas’ first exhibition in Japan with 10 retrospective video art screenings.
Hooykaas’ is an international artist from Holland who has exhibited at MoMA and Tate Modern. Orchestrated and hosted an interview with Hooykaas for an audience of curators.
1970 年代よりエルザ・スタンスフィールドと共にヴィデオ・アート制作を行なってきたオラ ンダを代表するヴィデオアーティスト、マデロン・ホーイカース。今回、彼女は青森県のイタコの撮影のために来日し、それに際して茶会記では70年代からの彼女の映像作品の上映、日本において進行中のプロジェクト紹介を含めたトークイベント、また本人によるパフォーマンスを一挙に行った。
Madelon Hooykaas / マデロン・ホーイカース
Madelon Hooykaas was born in 1942 in Maartensdijk, the Netherlands, and Elsa Stansfield (1945-2004) in Glasgow, Scotland. Since 1972, they have been working together in London as well as in Amsterdam under the name 'White Bird', and later as 'Hooykaas/Stansfield' or 'Stansfield/Hooykaas'. From the 1970s onwards, they produced many video environments, in which they combine video with photography, objects and sound, making the first site-specific installations. Inspiration and Transformation, Madelon Hooykaas” Exhibition